've been training Brazilian Jiu Jitsu now for the last 5 1/2 years with Cortes BJJ. My experience has truly been a journey of growth, discipline, and self-improvement. I can't imagine my life without it anymore. It all began when searching for a school to sign my son up, he was 5 at the time and I knew it was jiu-jitsu that would be the most beneficial life skill for him to possess. That's when I found Nic and Cortes BJJ. What set Nic apart and why I chose him and his school is his dedication to the sport and to his students. Not long after signing my son up and seeing first-hand the benefits he was gaining, I signed myself up and haven't looked back. Nic is not only very skilled but also in constant pursuit of his own self-improvement; he would never expect anything from his students that he doesn't require of himself. The ability to defend myself in any situation was the initial goal but the advantages of training jiu-jitsu go far beyond that. Now after these last 5 years, I have earned my purple belt through actual blood, sweat, and tears, and can honestly say jiu-jitsu has been responsible for helping me grow in all areas of my life. I am more motivated and willing to try new things without fear, and my self-esteem and confidence have soared. It continues to give me the ability to dig deep and shows me what I am capable of while at the same time humbling me every day. The physicality of the sport has made me stronger and fitter and has also increased my flexibility. But one of the best things jiu-jitsu has given me is my BJJ family. These men and women are from such diverse backgrounds and are all at different stages, but every single one of them strives to make themselves their own best version and in doing so they are tough, caring, and loyal individuals and I'm proud of us all! I will be forever grateful. Oss.